Publications & articles


  1. ⦿ Muhammad (SAW): A Role Model for World Peace, Published in 2018, Peace Builder, London (A non-Muslim perspective-
  2. ⦿ Muhammad (SAW): 1001 Universal Appreciations and Interfaith Understanding and Peace, Published in 2014, First Edition Design, USA. (A non-Muslim perspective;
  3. ⦿ Attitude Towards and Effectiveness of Work-related Learning among the Bangladeshi Community, Unpublished PhD Thesis, Middlesex University, London (2004


  1. ⦿ Perspectives of Education: Careers Guidance, Weekly Banglapost, 10 July, 2008, London
  2. ⦿ The Social Benefits of Careers Guidance, Weekly Banglapost, 21 August, 2008, London
  3. ⦿ What is Careers Guidance? Weekly Eurobangla, 23 April, 2007, London
  4. ⦿ Bangladeshi Children: Can Work-related Learning Develop Key Skills and Reduce Disaffection? Occasional Papers in Education and Lifelong Learning, Vol 1, No. 1, May 2007, Middlesex University, London
  5. ⦿ Economic Benefits of Careers Guidance, 19 June, 2007, London
  6. ⦿ The Impediment of Transition, 26 September, 2004, London
  7. ⦿ The Social Interactions with South Asian Participants that a researcher should know, July 2003, Imperial College London
  8. ⦿ Bangladeshi Educational Underachievement – is religion to blame? Runnymede Trust, Bulletin No. 336, December 2003, London
  9. ⦿ Bangladeshi Children: Fight the decades of underachievement, Weekly Eurobangla,8 Dec, 2003, Issue 41, London