
There is huge tension between Muslims and the West and a lot of misinformation about Muhammad (SAW). Many young people are being misled due to a lack of proper guidance. To tackle this situation, a research was conducted and this interfaith book was written with 1001 non-Muslim appreciations for Muhammad (SAW). Although he had countless enemies, rivals and opposition, he was always praised for his character, leadership and personality by many non-Muslims including rulers, scholars and general people over the past 1400 years. In this book, these appreciations across history have been reviewed and also the opinions of significant personalities in the contemporary period, involving MPs, Lords, Churches, Synagogues and Temples were studied. The main objectives in the book include:

• Through the eyes of non-Muslims, from the Emperor Heraclius to HRH Prince Charles, the book uncovers the truth about Muhammad (SAW), clarifies the reasons of misinformation about and refutes the charges made against him across history.

• The non-Muslims appreciate the teachings of Muhammad (SAW), believe Islam means peace and not violence. They admired his interfaith teachings for daily life living with Muslims and non-Muslims e.g. having patience, care, love, responsibilities and respect for neighbours and others.

In the current climate of a great discord and confusion, this book can play a vital role in guiding youths with the teachings of the prophet. For this purpose alone, the book should be made available to Muslims covering 2000 UK based mosques and also to non-Muslims through other religious institutions across the country. This opinion is shared by many Muslim Imams, non-Muslim religious bodies as well as MPs including Rt. Hon David Blunkett. I have attached some letters of recommendations to that effect.