About Author

Dr. Mohammed Abul Lais, having achieved a combined BSc degree in Maths, Physics and Statistics in 1970 underwent several years of formal and informal teachings in Bangladesh and in the UK. He has also worked for a decade in Saudi Arabia and then joined the Camden Career Service in 1992 as a Career Assistant with his base at the Surma Community Centre, under Camden Education Department. He did a Post Graduate Diploma in Careers Guidance (PG Dip CG) from East London University in 1995 and became a qualified Careers Officer. He noticed that many Bangladeshi children cannot utilise their fullest potential in education because of the inadequate support from the National Curriculum. As a result they are failing in exams and are labelled as underachievers in education.

To address this reality and support many Bangladeshi children in education he embarked on a PhD study while leaving the careers service and joining Imperial College as a Research Officer. He completed his PhD in 2004 which was a breakthrough for a great majority of Bangladeshi children in the UK. This achievement earned him two awards from the Bangladeshi Community in Camden, where he lived with his family for some 40 years. One of these awards was jointly from B.E.C, R.P.B.P.T.A, R.P.A, B.C.G and C.B.C.S and another from B.W.A. He moved to University College London in 2005 and received a FRSA’ Award in the same year and a National Research Award in 2006. He was involved in many university research projects including Oxford, City, Queen Mary, Edinburgh etc.

Having noticed the current tension between the Muslims and non-Muslims, Dr. Lais conducted a self-funded research for 3 years on social cohesion based on the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (SAW). From this research he produced this book titled:

Muhammad (SAW): 1001 Universal Appreciations and Interfaith Understanding and Peace.

Such a large compilation of appreciations of the prophet is something attempted for the first time in history.

Dr. Lais received another Award at the House of Lords for outstanding performance through this book from the Right Honourable Lord Nazir Ahmed on behalf of International Imam Hussain Council, in May 2014.